In case you signed up with PayPal, please manage your subscription within your PayPal account directly, by following one of the PayPal articles at:
In case you paid via a card, please follow the below screenshots:
1) Please click on the "Subscription Settings" option on your profile.
2) Click on the "Subscription" option and scroll to the bottom, at the bottom right click on the "Cancel Plan" and confirm cancellation.
3) Your account status will read as "your subscription has been cancelled" therefore you no longer have an active subscription.
Please keep in mind that cancellation isn't the same as a refund. If you want to receive a refund within the first 14 days of your subscription reach out to us at [email protected].
If this page is empty, and you are positive you did not pay with PayPal, please email us at [email protected] to confirm your cancellation.