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Join the FREE Moralis Academy online community!
Jonathan Blackburn avatar
Written by Jonathan Blackburn
Updated over a week ago

The Moralis Academy Forum is our main community forum, it is used for:


All of our categories in the forum cover different topics. Topics range from academy course material, job hunting suggestions to general crypto conversations with like minded crypto enthusiasts.

Here are some categories in the forum you may find interesting:

This section is for all random crypto related topics, if you are looking to mingle with crypto enthusiasts, enjoy interesting discussions, are looking for advice on job hunting this is the place for you!


This section is dedicated to our academy newbies, you can use this thread to interact with new members of the academy as well as post any technical questions you may have about your courses/subscription.


This section is for all Bitcoin related news.


This section is for all Ethereum related news.


You can view all of our forum categories here:


Please keep in mind that your academy account can't be used to log into our forum. Forum and academy accounts are separate so you would need to first create a forum account before logging in.

If you haven't used our forum yet, please make sure to create a free account at If you have already signed up at one point, please make sure to check what email address you have used

Meet Our Teachers And Teaching Assistants From The Moralis Academy Community Forum:

  • @Ivan - Needs no introduction 😊

  • @filip - Needs no introduction 😊

  • @Fabrice - You can find him in these topics:

    • Blockchain & Bitcoin 101

  • @alko89 - You can find him in these topics:

    • Bitcoin Programming 101

    • Bitcoin Attacks

    • Bitcoin Programming 101

    • Lightning Network & Lightning App Programming

    • C++ Programming

    • Cryptography & Privacy Coins - Bitcoin, Monero, ZCash and more

  • @malik- You can find him in these topics:

    • Javascript for Blockchain Developers

    • React Web Development 101

  • @mauro - You can find him in these topics:

    • Blockchain & Bitcoin 101

    • Ethereum 101

  • @jon_m - You can find him in these topics:

    • Ethereum Programming 101

  • @chris_bailey- You can find him in these topics:

    • Technical Analysis 101

  • @ruudhuisman-You can find him in these topics:

    • Baseline Protocol and Unibright (Blockchain for Enterprise)

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